Pharmacy in Community

The aim of this community-based module is to understand the challenges that senior citizens face in managing chronic diseases and how improvements can be made. The Capstone team comprising Arts, Business and Pharmacy undergrads collaborated with the highly active and passionate team at the Friends@Jalan Batu – Jalan Batu is a low-income housing area and up to 40% of the senior citizens live alone.

Youth with Vision 3.0 (Queensway Secondary School)

Youth-with-Vision aims to engage secondary school students through motivational programs to unlock their potential. Through the programs, the students are encouraged to build up their resilience and develop good personal and study habits. First started as a Capstone project in 2013, YWV had its third run with Queensway Secondary School (QSS) during January to April 2014. Twenty five students from QSS came to CAPT for a four-week program together with 18 mentors from CAPT.