Community Internship Course FAQ

Can a Year 1 CAPTain or a CAPT alumnus undertake this course?
Students intending to read the Community Internship course should be current residents in the College. Year 1 CAPTains must have completed two semesters with the College. Exceptions may be made for NUS undergraduates who are CAPT alumni but they must have completed the UTCP, and if at least half of the team are CAPT residents.

Can I undertake Community Internship course concurrently with other courses, internships or Industrial Attachment?
Unfortunately, no. Community Internship course is a full time commitment that requires a high level of dedication and interaction with peers and partners. It would not be fair to these stakeholders if you are not able to commit the time and effort required. Requests for a part time internship may be considered, subject to the College’s and partner organisation’s approval.

How are students assessed in this course?
The Community Internship course has four assessment components:

  1. Individual personal reflection – 40%;
  2. Group academic report – 20%;
  3. Supervising Fellow’s appraisal – 20%; and
  4. Internship supervisor’s appraisal – 20%.

Can I source for my own partner organisations for this internship?
Yes, students can engage partner organisations that they are familiar with but these organisations should be registered NGOs that typically bear charity, Institutions of a Public Character (IPC) or society status. Interning with social enterprises, public and private institutions are not within the purview of this course as there are more suitable internship courses on campus that students can consider. Speaking to a CAPT Fellow can help you to define the scope and plan for your internship.

Can Community Internship be done in either semester?
Community Internship can only be read during Special Terms. Preparations should start two months before the internship to ensure that the team has sufficient time. Exceptions may be made for internship during semesters 1 or 2, but this will be challenging, as all students in the team would have to be available full time during this period.

How does Community Internship course help me to fulfill my academic requirements?
You can read Community Internship course to fulfil your requirements for Unrestricted Elective (UE) Courses. However, this course is an elective course outside of the UTCP and it cannot replace a Senior Seminar.

What preparations are needed before I start the Community Internship?
Students are encouraged to complete internship or career preparatory training (e.g. CFG’s Career Catalyst, Business Finishing School (BFS) or Career Creation Starter Workshops) before the start of the internship.
If this is not possible, students will need to go through NUS Centre for Future Ready Graduate (CFG)’s online guide for internship and complete the online internship video on Canvas (Unit 6: Maximising Your Internship Experience).

Can I read Community Internship course twice?
You can only read Community Internship course once but you can continue to work with the same organisation through another internship course.