Independent Study Course (ISC)

Research about Communities

The Independent Study Course (ISC) provides an opportunity for senior undergraduates from the CAPT to do independent critical reading or research work that will build on their first and second year University Town College Program (UTCP) courses. Under the guidance of a CAPT Fellow, students will be able to:

  • Plan and execute independent work to culminate in a substantial end result
  • Identify and communicate needs, roadblocks, and intentions
  • Deploy and articulate an inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, or trans-disciplinary approach
  • Critically evaluate the nature of the inquiry undertaken and its strengths and weaknesses

ISCs typically grow out of a student’s interest in a problem or question first encountered in the UTCP courses, or the informal curriculum such as Reading Group or community engagement activities in the College.

Course Eligibility

The ISC is a 4 Unit graded undergraduate course without S/U option. It is an Unrestricted Elective (UE) that cannot replace the five courses in the UTCPIf this course clashes with UTCP, the UTCP course must take priority. Students should have completed or are en route to completing the UTCP but they may apply to read ISC if they are concurrently reading a remaining course to complete UTCP within their two years’ residence. 

 ISCs can take on the form of either independent critical reading or research work, and can entail a wide variety of topics that are multi-disciplinary in nature. Students who intend to read ISC must have completed at least one Senior Seminar at CAPT to ensure that he/she has gained some familiarity with the topics of interest. The student must be a current CAPTain or a CAPT alumnus, with a CAP of 3.50 and above.

Course Information

Please refer to the course information for more details on the academic requirements for ISC.

You might also want to look into the Student’s Guide to Ethics Review.

ISC Timeline

1 to 2 months before the semester: Scoping of ISM topic and consultation with Supervising Fellow

Weeks -2 to -1: Submission of ISC Contract

Weeks 1 to 13: Independent research and consultation with Supervising Fellow

By Week 14: Submission of assessment items listed in the ISC Contract

Understanding the Evolution of “Peranakan”: Does the “Pure” Peranakan Exist?

In recent years, the Peranakan-Chinese culture has seen a huge revival through various ways.
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Marine Civil Society Organisations in Singapore

This project traces the contributions and motivations of community-based civil society groups in Singapore’s marine conservation.
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