Other Academic Activities

Other Credit-bearing Courses

Second-year and Returning Senior students can explore taking a Capstone Experience group project engaging a community, a Community Internship course working in an organisation, an Independent Study Course exploring a topic of interest under the individual guidance of Fellow, or an Undergraduate Research Opportunity researching together with a Fellow. These are credit-bearing academic courses which may be counted as unrestricted electives or elective courses towards graduation requirements.

Rector’s/Master’s Teas​

The Rector and Master of CAPT regularly invite prominent local and international speakers with diverse contributions and experiences to speak with students in an informal setting. To date, the CAPT community has met a wide range of interesting personalities. Through these informal interaction sessions, speakers not only provide their expertise on a topic of interest but also share their personal journeys. Some of the speakers that CAPT has met include Dr Liu Thai Ker, Dr Tam Wai Jia, Prof Ananth Tambyah, Dr Sypros Economides, Dr Diarra and Dr Park Yuhyun.

Study Trips

The College typically organises several overseas study trips each year, bringing learning out of the classroom and out of Singapore. To date, CAPTains have been to the Balkans, Botswana, Eastern Europe, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam. For more information on the past trips, please click here.

Artist-in-Residence Programme

Have you ever seen a community without art? We, in College, feel the arts play a pivotal role in every community, including our own. The Artist-in-Residence Programme provides for distinguished artists to share their expertise and enrich College’s residential life and learning through their creative work, through interaction with members of the College community, and as part of its outreach to other communities. These artists may be invited for varying periods, ranging from a one-hour to a one semester live-in residency. It also provides time and space for the artists to focus on their creative output. Such artists mentor students, conduct workshops and public events for the University community and beyond. They may also participate in the formal and informal curriculum of the College. With artists, students get to explore photography, poetry, writing, musical theatre, singing and more.

Reading Groups

College reading groups are part of the informal curriculum. Reading groups bring together students, faculty members, practitioners, and researchers from multi-disciplinary backgrounds to think together about topics specific to each reading group’s theme. They aim to help students deepen their knowledge through in-class discussion, talks by invited speakers, and projects/interventions, guided by relevant readings from literature.

Past Reading Groups include Mitigating Human Trafficking, Regions – Formation or Failure?, Minorities & Languages, Healthy Communities, Exploring Sustainable Development Goals, Social Entrepreneurship, and more. You can find out more here.

CAPT Student Symposium (CAPTISS)

CAPTISS is one of the College’s flagship events. This Student Symposium brings together students, experts and presenters from many different backgrounds and projects to discuss a central theme.

The theme for CAPTISS 2021 is “Challenging Stereotypes through Tilt-Shift“.

All College students are able to participate in CAPTISS, which takes place once every two years.

Click here to read more about CAPTISS 2021.