Capstone Experience FAQ

Can a Year 1 CAPTain or CAPT alumni read this course?
Students intending to read the Capstone Experience course should be residents in the College in the same semester that they will be undertaking the course. Students must have completed or are concurrently taking a Senior Seminar. Exceptions may be made for CAPT alumni to read the Capstone Experience course if they have completed the UTCP, and if at least half of the team are CAPT residents. For example, two members of a team of three should be CAPT residents.

Must I read a Senior Seminar? Can a Junior Seminar count?
Sorry, you must have taken or are concurrently taking a Senior Seminar. Being in a Senior Seminar helps prepare you for the Capstone Experience course in terms of knowledge gained and rapport among team members.

Can I read the Capstone Experience course if I am doing an internship or Industrial Attachment?
Unfortunately, no. If you are doing an internship or Industrial Attachment, this will probably leave you with no time to take up the Capstone Experience course. This course requires a high level of dedication and interaction with peers and partners. It would not be fair to these stakeholders if you are not able to commit the time and effort required for the project.

How are students enrolled in the Capstone Experience course assessed?
There are both individual and group assessments. Currently, the course has five assessment components as follows:

  1. Individual Situational Analysis – 20%;
  2. Group Report and Presentation – 45%;
  3. Individual Reflective Journal – 15%;
  4. Supervising Fellow’s Appraisal – 15%; and
  5. Peer Appraisal – 5%.

Can I come up with my own topics for the Capstone Experience course?
Yes, students can propose their own topics (and partners they would like to work with) as long as they take into account the academic components needed for the course. Speaking to a CAPT Fellow (who may eventually be your Supervising Fellow) can help you to define the scope and see how your ideas can be developed into a project.

Can the Capstone Experience course be done in either semester?
This course can be taken in either semester. Preparations should start a month before the semester to ensure that the team has sufficient time. For example, if you plan to do your project in Semester 1 (starting in August), you should identify the topics/partner and define the scope of the project in July. Similarly, for Semester 2 (starting in January), the initial groundwork should start in early December.

How does the Capstone Experience course help me to fulfil my academic requirements?
You can take the course to fulfil your requirements for Singapore Studies (SS), an Unrestricted Elective (UE) Course or ULR Breadth. However, please note that this course is an elective course outside of the UTCP and it is not deemed as a Senior Seminar. If you have already read a Senior Seminar that is UTS-coded, the Capstone Experience course may be used to fulfil UE Course, subject to approval by your home faculty.

Can I get a grade for the Capstone Experience course?
From AY2015/2016 Semester 1, students can read this course for a letter grade, with a S/U option.

Can I enrol for do the Capstone Experience course twice?
Sorry, we know the Capstone experience can be addictive, but you can only take up the course once.