CAPT Experience (Picture)

Student Leaders

The College Students’ Committee (CSC) and Neighbourhood Committees are elected by the CAPT student body. They look after student welfare and oversee student-led initiatives. The College places great emphasis on empowering students to be proactive and active members of student life.

College Students’ Committee (CSC)

The College Students’ Committee (CSC) is elected by the student body each year, and represents the interests of all the student members of the College. It looks into their welfare, oversees student-led initiatives and interest groups and works with the Master, Fellows and staff to build a vibrant and cohesive community. The CSC also represents the College to other student organisations in NUS. The key events that the CSC organises in the College year include Freshmen Orientation Camp, Fledgling Week, Open Day and others.

Neighbourhood Committees

There are five neighbourhoods in the College, each named after an Asian mythological winged creature. Each neighbourhood consists of three floors of residents. The neighbourhoods are the focus of community living, as neighbours bond through everyday living and participate in organised activities. Neighbourhood Committees play an important role in fostering cohesiveness and friendships among residents. They work closely with the Fellows, Resident Assistants and the CSC to organise and conduct activities for their neighbourhoods and for the College. Intra- and inter-neighbourhood activities are often organised, strengthening bonds among residents.