Understanding the Evolution of “Peranakan”: Does the “Pure” Peranakan Exist?

Written by Benedict Khoo
In recent years, the Peranakan-Chinese culture has seen a revival through various ways. As a product of fusion, the breakdown of the Peranakans’ racial composition is a complex matter. This project aimed to provide a clearer understanding about the existence of a Jati “pure” Peranakan and clarify misconceptions that the public have about the community. Through historical research of the Peranakans in Singapore and surveys of the present community, it was found that 62% of descendants today still acknowledge the existence of a “pure” Peranakan. Some viewed that labeling a Peranakan “pure” is a way to show authentic inheritance of one’s Peranakan identity and to protect it from being assumed by non-Peranakans. Despite that, with globalization and modern-day human motivations, 67% of respondents perceived other forms of identities as more important and opposed the use of “pure” as a factor to identify a Peranakan today.
“Whether or not a “pure” Peranakan exists, the culture is an example of multiculturalism and that is something we should celebrate. This ISM has allowed me to investigate if such labels are still relevant today and thus helped me comprehend the community’s motivations in using such labels. In doing so, I gained a better understanding of myself as a young modern Peranakan.”