
In Academic Year 2016/2017, there were four Capstone projects involving 16 students. This is the fifth year for capstone projects and it is encouraging to see students working with previous partners that have supported us. This indicates a willingness of all parties involved to keep the working relationship going and to sustain the interest in the societal issues examined. Two teams worked with Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) again using sports and percussion to enhance the mental health of their clients. A third team collaborated again with Trybe on using a restorative justice framework for youth offenders. A fourth team ventured into new territory, partnering with Methodist Children and Youth Centre (MCYC) on socio-emotional development for foster children. Please read on for more sharing and insights from the Capstone teams.

Project Kindle

CAPTains from Project Kindle used evidence-based elements of mentoring and group-engagement to convey socio-emotional lessons to the children.
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Project Beat It!: Empowering SAMH Clients through Percussion Music

Following the positive response to the earlier Capstone music programme with the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), three CAPT students explored how percussion could
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Trybe Capacitate 2017

Four CAPTains from different faculties learned about the important role of restorative justice among youth offenders in Singapore. Partnering with Trybe, they visited the Singapore
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Mental Wellness Game Plan: Road to Resilience

Youth mental wellness has been a recent talking point in Singapore. More than two young Singaporeans aged 10-19 commit suicide every month, and this figure
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