
In Academic Year 2018/2019, there were seven Capstone projects involving 30 students and three new partners. One team worked with HealthServe to examine the sources and coping mechanisms of stress among Bangladeshi migrant workers in Singapore. Another team worked with Monfort Care and AWWA to develop a programme to engage foreign domestic workers who are caregivers of the elderly, to identify and reduce the incidence of falls and injuries among the elderly. The Capstone module has also continued to work with our community partners on different programmes. Two teams worked with high school students from Nanhua High School to increase their ecoliteracy and critical thinking skills. Two other teams worked with Lakeside Family Services Centre to develop reading resources to promote parent-child reading programmes at home. The last team developed Project Kindle+ and worked with Epsworth Community Services (previously Methodist Children and Youth Centre) to implement a mentoring programme for youth.


Ageing-in-place is a concept where the elderly age in their own home environment as opposed to healthcare institutions such as nursing homes. Mobility is a
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Mental Health and Stress Among Bangladeshi Migrant Workers

Semi-skilled migrant workers form a large and vital part of Singapore’s workforce. However, these workers face various contributing stressors that impede their ability to acclimatise
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Emergent literacy in Lakeside Family Services

Emergent literacy is critical to ensure that children are well equipped, especially before they enter the formal education system. The team developed take-home interactive toolkits
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Increasing Eco-Literacy among Students in Nan Hua High School

Environmental education is aimed at developing a world population that is aware of and concerned about the total environment and its associated problems.
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Reading without Words

Reading is a key component of child development, acting as a medium for learning and tool for communication. To engage the parents to read along
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