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CAPT Research Forum 2019

14 Sep 2019

The second College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) Research Forum on the theme of “Contextualising Vulnerability & Well-being: Building Inclusive Communities in Research & Practice” was held on 14 September 2019. The research forum centred around two panels – “Youth, Body Image & Stigma” and “Migrant Health & Employment“, and had more than 100 participants.


The forum provided a platform for College students, including alumni, to present their works on these topics along with scholars and practitioners from the relevant research fields. Bringing together studies that looked into well-being (i.e. self-esteem, emotional stress, physical health) among communities that experience some form of vulnerability (youth and migrant workers), the forum explored the diverse ways through which barriers to well-being are amplified, negotiated and managed.

Panel 1: “Youth, Body Image & Stigma”

  • Speaker: Ms. Yeo Wan Ling, CAPT Alumna

“Promoting a Healthier Perception of Body Image through Raising Awareness about Eating Disorders among Youths”

  • Speaker: Dr. Oliver Suendermann, Clinical Health and Psychology Centre, National University of Singapore

““I am so ugly” – The Rise of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Young People”

  • Speaker: Ms. Camellia Wong, InPsychful LLP

Likes or Dislikes? – Into the World of Cyberbullying”

Panel 2: “Migrant Health & Employment”

  • Speakers: Mr. Kenneth Cheo, Ms. Francesca Lee, Ms. Natasha Oh, CAPTain & CAPT Alumni

“Mental Health and Stress Among Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Singapore: A Focus Group Study”

  • Speaker: Dr. Ho Wai Loon Calvin, National University Hospital

“Developing a Global Health Curriculum in Singapore: Learning Experientially about Social Justice through Engagement with Low-Wage Migrant Workers”

  • Speaker: Mr. Rajiv Khandelwal, Aajeevika Bureau, India

“Ends that do not Meet: Low Wages and Absence of Public Provisioning for Internal Migrants in Ahmedabad”


14 Sep 2019
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