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CAPTains’ visit to SMRT

28 Feb 2019

During the recent recess week, 38 CAPTains were privileged to spend an afternoon at the Kim Chuan SMRT Depot. This is the largest underground train depot in the region. We were amazed at the complexity of the design as well as the engineering works that goes on deep underground. The depot is able to hold up to 133 trains at full capacity.

“It was an extremely insightful experience to witness the behind-the-scenes of SMRT. It gave me a different perspective into how the train system works and the amount of work it takes in order to upkeep this system. From the perspective of the commuter, the train system is simply a means for transportation but there are features such as signaling system and track maintenance that is transparent to ordinary commuters. This definitely taught me to be more appreciative and understanding to our complex train network that we get to enjoy on a daily basis.”

– Low Heng Wei, Year 1, Chemical Engineering

“This field trip really opened my eyes to how multi-faceted MRT operations is, requiring people of various specialisations. It also made me appreciate all who have dedicated their careers to improving the train system. I really enjoyed this field trip as I’ve always been fascinated by the whole train system and I think that’s it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to experience this.”

– Phua Xuan Ru, Year 1, Pharmacy

“Training of staff and maintenance of equipment are usually behind the scenes and not seen by the public. This trip makes me appreciate the role SMRT plays in contributing to our smooth running of the nation.” 

– Liew Shan Jun, Year 2, Faculty of Science,Food Science and Technology

It was indeed a privilege to see the meticulous care and hard work that goes into keeping our trains running. Time and again, we could discern the careful planning and forecasting. It was also breathtaking to view the 10 ton “buggies” that support the trains. We came away aware of the immense challenges in maintaining a smooth running public transportation system and every one of us has become a lot more grateful to the staff that keep us and Singapore on the move.


28 Feb 2019
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