This semester, the exciting line-up of Master’s Tea sessions covered an extremely diverse range of topics; these included the inequalities of multilingualism, the mathematics of code-breaking, Singapore’s Family Justice Courts and the myths and methods behind traditional acupuncture. Fresh insights on these subjects were shared with CAPTains by figures prominent in their respective fields – namely, Dr Ruanni Tupas, Assistant Professor at the English and Literature Academic Group of the National Institute of Education and honourary member of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines; Professor Rod Downey, award-winning mathematician and professor of Mathematics at the Victoria University of Wellington; district judge Mr Wong Sheng Kwai; and Dr Diarra Boubacar, who is both on of the few foreigner practicioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and a medical volunteer with the rural communities of Yunnan, China.
For more information on our Master’s Tea Series, visit here.