Undergraduate Research Opportunity

Research with the Teaching Community

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) provides an opportunity for senior undergraduates from CAPT to be part of a Fellow’s existing research project. Students will be able to:

  • Identify interesting questions to be answered within the context of the research project
  • Formulate strategies to gather relevant information
  • Analyse the patterns in the information to arrive at conclusions
  • Justify the credibility of the conclusions
  • Critically evaluating the nature of the inquiry undertaken and its strengths and weaknesses

Unlike the ISC, a CAPT Fellow initiates the UROP and it involves the student working with the Fellow on an existing research project. This process provides the student exposure to some of the processes of scholarly research which often transcend any single discipline.

Course Information

The UROP is a 4 Unit graded undergraduate course without S/U option. It is an Unrestricted Elective (UE) that cannot replace the five courses in the University Town College Programme (UTCP). If this course clashes with UTCP, the UTCP course must take priority. Students should have completed or are en route to completing the UTCP, but they may apply to read UROP if they are concurrently reading a remaining course to complete UTCP. The student must be a current CAPTain or a CAPT alumnus, with a CAP of 3.50 and above.

Please refer to the course information for more details on the academic requirements for UROP.

You might also want to look into the Student’s Guide to Ethics Review.

UROP Timeline

1 to 2 months before the semester: Publicising of UROP topic and consultation with Supervising Fellow

Weeks -2 to -1: Submission of UROP Registration Form

Weeks 1 to 13: Research and consultation with Supervising Fellow

By Week 14: Submission of assessment items listed in the UROP Registration Form

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