Learning Outcomes and Higher Education: The Convergences and Divergences in Achieving 21st Century Graduate Attributes

Written by Joel Chew

This UROP examined the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of various CAPT modules (Junior & Senior Seminars) and their alignments – convergences and divergences – with the residential college (RC) programme outcomes to assess learning in the context of the RC living-and-learning programme. An exploratory literature review was conducted to understand the rationale behind the writing and design of ILOs (content analysis) and assess the effectiveness of various methods relevant to their measurement (methods analysis). Guided by Bloom’s Taxonomy – a critical guide for assessing learning outcomes – the data were analysed using a quasi-quantitative methodology. Significant results suggested that there were strong alignments as well as areas for improvement especially in the use of verbs in ILOs of the modules to account for the larger learning outcomes.

“Participating in this UROP experience has fuelled my research interest in the field of education, particularly in the areas of curriculum and assessment in higher education. While not everything that counts can be measured, there is an essential idealism to assess learning more effectively, because what can be measured in education today still counts.”