
For Academic Year 2014/2015, eight teams of CAPTains participated in the Capstone Experience module. In Semester I, the teams “Young at Heart” and “Henderson Heroes” worked with the elderly and youth respectively. For Semester II, one team did an assets-based community development mapping of the neighborhood of mainly elderly residents at Queen’s Close. Another team promoted intergenerational bonding between the elderly and the young through music. Children and youth were the focus of three other teams which addressed the issues of children’s morphological awareness and development in reading (“Words Apart”), social nudges in building healthy food habits for secondary school students and the experiences of GCE O Level re-takers (“Sometimes Stuff Happens”). The final team explored the key reasons for segregation and lack of integration between domestic workers and Singaporeans. Please read on for more sharing and insights from the Capstone teams.

Words Apart

Effective reading remains an essential and critical skill for success in society, and many studies continue to explore how reading literacy might be better taught
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Sometimes Stuff Happens

The GCE “O” Level Exam is a major event in the life of secondary school students in Singapore. Each year, about 2,000 students have results
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Making a Connection with the Elderly in Queen’s Close

In light of the phenomenon of the aging population in Singapore, it is increasingly important to understand not just the needs, but also the assets
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Costs of Exclusion: Migrant Workers in Singapore

When we first started our Capstone project on the community of foreign domestic workers (FDWs)in December 2014, we sought to find out more about the
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Building Healthy Food Habits among Secondary School Students

With an initial interest in improving eating habits among secondary school students, the Capstone team collaborated with the Health Promotion Board (HPB) to discuss how
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