I “Hear” You!: A learning toolkit for educators in enhancing the academic experience of students with hearing-loss in NUS
‘I “Hear” You’ is a Capstone project aimed towards providing educators in NUS a holistic guide on building an inclusive classroom for the d/Deaf and Hard-of-hearing (DH) students. The group partnered with the NUS Disability Support Office (DSO) to understand the current resources available for the d/Deaf and Hard-of-hearing students.
Research into efforts towards inclusive education in Singapore has illuminated the challenges and gaps the DH community face. The toolkit produced consisted of a compilation of available resources by NUS and NUS DSO, tips for communicating with students from the DH community and an introductory video on how to use the Roger devices. The ‘I “Hear” You’ toolkit aims to ease the process of including the DH students into the classroom for the educators.