Mentoring Youths at Commonwealth Drive

The partner was FaithActs, a Family Service Center (FSC) in the Commonwealth Drive area. There are several blocks of 3- and 4-room HDB flats in the area (low income households). Our team of 5 CAPT students made weekly visits to the FSC, and got to know the staff as well as the teens. The Capstone team did a situational assessment through readings and interviews. They soon realized that the teens needed more than “tuition”; they needed role models and motivation. To help achieve these goals, the Capstone team provided weekly tuition and interaction sessions with the students at the FSC. To recruit volunteers, the Capstone team set up a booth at the CAPT Open House. The teens also visited University Town for sharing sessions and an “Amazing Race” event.

ITE Central

A team of six CAPTains worked with ITE Central students to develop a “Healthy Eating” program for seniors. The project was also a partnership with the Wellness Center at Teck Ghee Community Club. The team started by interviewing the seniors to explore what are their eating habits and their awareness of healthy food choices. They also got to know the seniors better through an outing to the Zoo. In March 2013, a community event was organised at Teck Ghee Community Club. In addition to the Capstone team, other CAPTains volunteered to help out at this event. Activities included a talk by a nutritionist, games, role-playing scenarios, chair exercises and the signing of a pledge to choose healthy food options. The games and role-playing scenarios were particularly well-received by the seniors; they participated enthusiastically and the learning was enhanced through these activities.

Senior Citizens at Commonwealth Drive

Similar to the previous project on mentoring youths, the partner was FaithActs, a Family Service Center (FSC) at Commonwealth Drive. The Capstone team worked with the FSC on serving the senior citizens in the area. Activities included weekly interaction sessions with the senior citizens, a “Healthy Food” Seminar, a half-day trip to U-Town, and home visits. Through our time together and from our research, we learned that many of the senior citizens had diabetes; but they were not always clear that they should be avoiding certain foods and they were sometimes unsure if they should eat more or less of a particular item.

Mentorship (Youth with Vision)

Youth With Vision was a new, ground-up initiative that gave CAPTains an opportunity to walk together with and inspire youth. Partnering with Clementi Town Secondary School (CTSS), 18 CAPT students were paired with 24 secondary school students in small groups in a mentorship program that covered life skills. With the mentoring program as a platform, CAPT students took on the challenge to be role models and to invest a part of themselves by befriending and building up the students. Using the framework of social and emotional learning, the Capstone team designed a series of five sessions based on the themes of Worthiness, Strengths and Weaknesses, Possibilities, Empowerment and Visioning. These themes were explored through different talks, hands-on activities, journaling, mentor-mentee interaction time and a school project.