ITE Central

A team of six CAPTains worked with ITE Central students to develop a “Healthy Eating” program for seniors. The project was also a partnership with the Wellness Center at Teck Ghee Community Club. The team started by interviewing the seniors to explore what are their eating habits and their awareness of healthy food choices. They also got to know the seniors better through an outing to the Zoo.  In March 2013, a community event was organised at Teck Ghee Community Club. In addition to the Capstone team, other CAPTains volunteered to help out at this event. Activities included a talk by a nutritionist, games, role-playing scenarios, chair exercises and the signing of a pledge to choose healthy food options. The games and role-playing scenarios were particularly well-received by the seniors; they participated enthusiastically and the learning was enhanced through these activities.

Reflections from Capstone team members

“After experiencing the integrated academic-cum-practical aspects of the Capstone, I could see the bigger picture of the problem as well as draw lessons from past interventions. The Capstone project also helped me to enhance my communication skills, since we had to liaise with external parties for the project. The Capstone Experience is truly an eye-opening journey which has given me many lessons to learn as well as a sense of achievement of doing something that is beneficial to others.” (Stephanie Hardjo)