Mentoring Youths at Commonwealth Drive

The partner was FaithActs, a Family Service Center (FSC) in the Commonwealth Drive area.  There are several blocks of 3- and 4-room HDB flats in the area (low income households).  Our team of 5 CAPT students made weekly visits to the FSC, and got to know the staff as well as the teens. The Capstone team did a situational assessment through readings and interviews.  They soon realized that the teens needed more than “tuition”; they needed role models and motivation.  To help achieve these goals, the Capstone team provided weekly tuition and interaction sessions with the students at the FSC.  To recruit volunteers, the Capstone team set up a booth at the CAPT Open House. The teens also visited University Town for sharing sessions and an “Amazing Race” event.

Reflections from Capstone team members:

“Teens of different racial backgrounds got together to celebrate Chinese New Year by preparing a Yusheng Dish and then tossing the fish.  When making a wish, we saw a difference … instead of just making wishes for good luck or prosperity or good exam grades, some of the teens wished for the following:

“I wish my Dad won’t beat/scold me.”

“I wish my parents would love each other.”

“I hope I can see my mum.”

That was a big surprise to me. It saddened me so much to hear their hearts’ wishes because I don’t think any child should ever have to wish to see his mother (because of divorce), or wish that his parents loved each other. I don’t know how they’re going to overcome all this brokenness in their backgrounds…” (Hannah Lois Ng)