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CAPT10 – Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Present, and Envisioning the Future

01 Jan 2022

Message from Assoc Prof Gary Tan, Master of CAPT

Photo of Master Gary Tan

2022 is a special year for the College of Alice & Peter Tan as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, having started as a fledgling college in 2012, with only 19 students and one resident assistant occupying only one level in Cinnamon College.

With the foresight of the Founding Master Assoc Prof Adeline Seow, the College has grown over the years from a little-known entity to a full residential college that provides a rich living and learning environment, and one that lives up to her ethos of Active Citizenship and Community Engagement. We have now produced ten generations of CAPTains who have gone on to contribute to society, and we hope to produce ten more and beyond.

As her Master for just over two years, I am happy and proud to be part of this celebration, aptly called CAPT10. We will be organizing several key events, like the Carnival, Concert, CAPT10K walk, and Gala Dinner. We will also be launching our very own Mascot. So, this is a shout out to all CAPTains past and present to join us as we ‘Celebrate the past, Embrace the present, and Envision the future’!


Message from Isaac Sng, Project Director of CAPT10

Coming to CAPT is perhaps one of the best choices I have made. The opportunities and excitement that CAPT provides for in the area of academic learning, community engagement and student life have enriched my campus life in NUS. This year, as we celebrate our 10th anniversary, it is our committee’s hope for all of us to celebrate how far CAPT has come since its formative year in 2012. We want to acknowledge the achievements that CAPTains, including the Fellowship and staff, and community partners have made through these ten years, which have influenced CAPT to be what we are today. In addition, we hope to build upon the strong foundations that we have established in CAPT to allow future CAPTains to be able to grow and learn in ways beyond what we are enjoying now.

The design of the CAPT10 logo incorporates an Angsana seed with a silhouette of the number ’10’ in the middle. It is a nod to CAPT’s first name, Angsana College, which many alumni and current CAPTains still associate deeply with. (Till today, one of our favourite supper spots still identifies us with Angsana College when taking our delivery order!)

The contour lines in the background of the masthead is a topographical map of UTown and the CAPT10 logo is placed where CAPT is located. We hope that through this year of celebration, all CAPTains past and present are able to rediscover what it means to be a CAPTain, along with celebrating the rich history and culture that we all have contributed towards the past ten years.

The College would like to recognise the individual efforts of the committee and Fellows involved:

Fellows: Ms Wong Soon Fen, Dr Joelle Lai, Dr Kevin McGahan

Vice Project Director: Quek Qi Xin, Rachel

Financial Secretary: Choo Wan Xuan, Abigail

General Secretary: Rachel Ariella Saly

Beach Day Committee: Bai Hong Yeou, Jerome Lee Han Yang, Yune Thiri Khin, Judith Han Jia En

Carnival Committee: Luke Ang Jia Han, Chua Mint Sheen, Grace, Lim Minghan Justin, Rayna Ng Xin Yee

Concert Committee: Bryan Chong Choong Jin, Jordan Yoong Jia En, Reina Teo, Tan Meng Chin Triston

Coffee Table Book Committee: Nuryn Qistina Binte Suhaimi, Lee Song Yang, Summer Yu-Ning Walters, Kyra Chong HuiMin

Design Committee: Ong Yong Zhi Chalmers, Chan Jing-Ee, Naomi, Charlize Liang Yi Li, Chew Yu Cai, Danielle Ngin

Here’s the calendar of events for the year, join us in our celebration and follow us on Instagram (@capt.ten) for updates:

Read more about CAPT10 events here:

CAPT10 – Amazing Race to the Beach

CAPT10 Carnival


01 Jan 2022
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