“Constellations” aimed to encourage and build interaction skills between youths-at-risk in Singapore and society, so as to aid their integration into society. This was done through a peer mentorship with Trybe youths using the medium of music. Trybe is a registered charity that specialises in youth development.
Similar projects involving the use of music and youths-at-risk have been conducted across many different countries and research has shown that the participation of youths-at-risk in these music programmes was associated with increased confidence, positive family relationships, and increased engagement in school. Through these programmes, the youths have been motivated to do well in positive and constructive activities, replacing their previous “undesirable lifestyles”. This, therefore, highlights the many benefits music has on the youths at risk.
Eight weeks of one-hour sessions were held weekly. These sessions were held from September to October 2017. During each session, a music teacher taught the youths music skills or a song that culminated in a final performance. Before the final performance, the Trybe youths performed in front of another vulnerable group (e.g. migrants, elderly) to understand the power of music in reaching out to other vulnerable groups, and to consequently instil a sense of purpose in them as well.