
For Academic Year 2015/2016, six teams of CAPTains participated in the Capstone Experience module. In Semester I, the Friends@ Court team collaborated with the Family Justice courts to gain an in-depth understanding of family law within the Singapore legal system. Their focus was on issues relating to divorce and breakdown of marriages. Another team worked with the NTUC Centre for Seniors. They evaluated the current supermarket environment and made recommendations to improve user-friendliness for elder consumers.

For Semester II, three teams worked with issues related to youth. The first was involved in initiating and planning a new after-school program for pre-risk youths with Equal CLG. The second worked in partnership with trybe in befriending and engaging juvenile delinquents at the Singapore Boys Hostel. The third was concerned about promoting healthier perceptions of body image and raising awareness of eating disorders among youth. Their partners were Singapore Association of Mental Health (SAMH) and Rock the Naked Truth (a body image movement).The fourth team, “In Harmony”, used music and group singing to enhance mental wellness through a weekly music program with SAMH.

Please read on for more sharing and insights from the Capstone teams.

EQUIP: Equine – Youth Interactive Project

This Capstone project aimed to assist in the planning of the programme through collating the perspectives of the various stakeholders (including parents, teachers, students and
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Promoting a Healthier Perception of Body Image through Raising Awareness about Eating Disorders among Youths

Eating disorders (EDs) are on the rise in Singapore. The increasing trend in the number of EDs cases, although known, is hardly researched on and
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In Harmony

‘In Harmony’ was a Capstone project that used music and group singing as a platform to enhance mental wellness. Four CAPTains: Adeline, Desmond, Grace and
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This Capstone Project is based on experiential learning about family law in Singapore through an attachment with the Family Justice Courts. At the FJC, the
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Elderly Friendly Supermarkets

This capstone project aims to improve the supermarket experience of our seniors. The group wrote proposals and made a checklist for the Centre For Seniors
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