EQUIP: Equine – Youth Interactive Project

This Capstone project aimed to assist in the planning of the programme through collating the perspectives of the various stakeholders (including parents, teachers, students and staff), assisting in their secondary research, as well as suggesting activities for the sessions. Through combining observational data, survey results and findings from our literature reviews, we also planned for Social and Emotional Learning activities to be conducted during the after-school sessions. The data collected were also collated and analysed, and were relayed to the programme director to help plan for future sessions.

Reflections from Capstone team members

“The entire capstone project has been an experience. There were many ups and downs. There were times I felt excited and enthusiastic and there were times I was exhausted and felt like giving up. Yet, we managed to carry on as a team. I’m so thankful to have done this module with such supportive group mates. I learned so much more about myself, about the community at EQUAL and even about the group I worked with.”

– Kathy Christina, Year 2, Faculty of Science

“This Capstone Experience has been a thoroughly enriching one, with fulfilling learning opportunities, from learning about the communities we interacted with, to gaining experience in planning activities and carrying out interviews. I am exceptionally grateful to have been given this chance to partake in this project with this wonderful team and believe that we would all love to continue working with EQUAL!”

– Chua Pei Xuan, Year 2, Faculty of Engineering