In Harmony

‘In Harmony’ was a Capstone project that used music and group singing as a platform to enhance mental wellness. Four CAPTains: Adeline, Desmond, Grace and Jia Qi, worked with the Singapore Association of Mental Health (SAMH) to conduct a weekly music program for individuals in the community who suffer from minor mental ailments, and who attend the SAMH activity hub.

Over eight sessions, students and participants made music together and explored rhythm, melody, lyrics, movement and harmony. Time was set aside each week for ice-breakers and conversations, providing opportunities for the group to share life experiences as well as feedback about the session.

Along the way, the group learnt about the basis for the link between music and mental health, defined the skills that they wished to focus on, and decided how they would evaluate their project. Overall, it was a fulfilling journey of self-discovery, of working with one another, and of befriending a group of warm and enthusiastic individuals who gave their wholehearted support to the program.