
This Capstone Project is based on experiential learning about family law in Singapore through an attachment with the Family Justice Courts. At the FJC, the group was mentored by District Judge Wong Sheng Kwai as they learnt about issues pertaining to marriage breakdown, divorce and reconciliation.

Throughout this entire project, the group worked with the Community Justice Centre (CJC), which is an independent charity based in the State Courts. The CJC is committed to ensuring that litigants-in-person (LIPs) have access to justice through community partnership.

District Judge Wong Sheng Kwai, mentored and assisted the group with questions and research. The experiential phase took place during the first half of the semester at the Family Justice Courts, followed by the outreach phase where the group shared our experiences with fellow CAPTains in CAPT and Secondary Three students from Damai Secondary School.

Reflections from Capstone team members

“Through sitting in the court sessions, you will not only get exclusive opportunities to listen in on the mention cases that are taking place, but you also get to pose questions to the interpreters and get valuable answers from them. As a non-law student, I am glad I was given this opportunity to see the work that lawyers do, and the part they play in the community of these broken families and it is apparent that it is not an easy task.”

– Tay Kun Wei, Faculty of Science