CAPTain Spotlight 1 of 9: Art for a Cause

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented upheaval to the world, and to Singapore, forcing the nation into a period of Circuit Breaker in efforts to curb the spread of the virus.

Learning more about the Deafblind community

The Hidden Communities in Singapore module invited three Deafblind speakers to class on 15 Oct 2019. The speakers shared their lived experiences and some of the challenges of the Deafblind community.

CAPTsmile 2019

CAPTsmile is started by CAPT Social Innovation Wing in 2018. This overseas trip has continued into its second iteration in 2019. With the Impactful Community Development framework as a guide, CAPTsmile prioritized a ground-up approach to change that begins with understanding community’s needs and assets.

CAPTains’ “Team Internship” in Botswana

CAPT ran two STEER BOTSWANA trips, one in 2017 and another in 2018. The trips have allowed CAPTains to learn about the people and culture of Botswana with particular focus on education, employment and the environment.

CAPT Kamal to Bangalore 2019

This is the 4th year that CAPT is visiting, in the 4th iteration of CAPT Kamal to Bangalore, India. From the 12 to 26 of May, a team of 23 students spent two weeks working with an NGO and a charity organisation based in Bangalore.


CAPT Student Leader Action Mentorship (CAPTSLAM) was first pioneered by CAPT in collaboration with Tanglin Secondary School. In this fourth iteration, CAPTSLAM 4.0 sparked a new partnership with Queensway Secondary School (QSS).

Community Engagement Festival (CE Fest) 2019

Community Engagement Festival (CE Fest) is CAPT’s annual flagship event which aims to celebrate the uniqueness of different communities, through community engagement and relationships forged with our partners. On 22-23 March 2019, over 200 CAPTains and 160 community partners took part in 12 trails focusing on meeting, engaging and learning from the communities on the ground.

CAPTains’ visit to SMRT

During the recent recess week, 38 CAPTains were privileged to spend an afternoon at the Kim Chuan SMRT Depot. This is the largest underground train depot in the region.