Voltch: Adopting technology for volunteer matching in NUS

This Capstone project aimed to improve the current volunteer matching process for the NUS Disability Support Office (DSO). The team worked closely with the DSO, the student volunteer group – NUS Enablers, and the students with special needs (SSNs). SSNs are NUS students who have differing needs due to their disabilities.
In order to streamline the volunteer-pairing process, the team developed a website, Voltch, that seeks to centralise and simplify the process for all three different partners. Through the group’s user-testing, the website showed great potential as an effective and efficient solution to the volunteer-pairing process. Moreover, it was also acclaimed to have lowered both the barriers for volunteers to engage with SSNs and for SSNs to seek help. Voltch is currently still in development and will be officially launched in the later half of 2021.